Recommended tutor for O-level and SSC Ms. Amna Amin Msc Mathematics in Islamabad O-level Mathematics highly experienced tutor.

Female tutor for math

Recommended tutor for O-level and SSC Ms. Amna Amin Msc Mathematics in Islamabad O-level Mathematics highly experienced tutor. ✅Msc in Mathematics ✅12 years of experience in teaching Mathematics in Riyadh and in Pakistan as well. ✅I have good English spoken skills. ✅Currently, I’m working as an online tutor.

Product SKU: 221122

Product Brand: Online math tutor

Product Currency: PKR

Product Price: 15000

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

Recommended tutor for O-level and SSC Ms. Amna Amin Msc Mathematics in Islamabad O-level Mathematics highly experienced tutor.
✅Msc in Mathematics
✅12 years of experience in teaching Mathematics in Riyadh and in Pakistan as well.
✅I have good English spoken skills.
✅Currently, I’m working as an online tutor.
✅Also doing Taleem-e-Deen Course from Al Huda International institute.
✅I am hardworking and strive to make my students understand the concepts through simple tricks.
✅Being an expert I am available for tutoring online and as one-to-one tutoring in Islamabad, CBR town phase 1 📌Chapter end test
📌Solution of past papers practice
📌Grand worksheets as well as tests after syllabus completion

1 Comment

  1. Dr.BABAR Director
    November 22, 2022

    Recommended tutor for O-level and SSC Ms. Amna Amin Msc Mathematics in Islamabad                                                                   O-level Mathematics highly experienced tutor. in Mathematics years of experience in teaching Mathematics in Riyadh and in Pakistan as well. have good English spoken skills., I’m working as an online tutor. doing Taleem-e-Deen Course from Al Huda International institute. am hardworking and strive to make my students understand the concepts through simple tricks. an expert I am available for tutoring online and as one-to-one tutoring in Islamabad, CBR town phase 1                                                                             end test of past papers practice worksheets as well as tests after syllabus completion

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